Faro Card Game

Overcoming the Self-Bias Error

All of us have a strong tendency to evaluate our decisions in the way that is most favorable and least damaging to ourselves, based on the outcome.

My favorable outcome proves my wisdom and skill.
My unfavorable outcome is just bad luck.

However, when we evaluate other’s decisions and their results we say:

Their favorable outcome is just good luck
Their unfavorable outcome shows a lack of wisdom and skill.

Continue reading Overcoming the Self-Bias Error

Great Interview Questions

Vanessa Van Edwards has a great post on 10 behavioral interview questions.

They are:

  1. What is something you used to believe, but no longer believe?
  2. Who were the competitors at the last company you worked for and how did the company differentiate itself?
  3. Tell me about your best and worst days at work?
  4. If I called your current boss, what would they say about you?
  5.  Are you working on anything exciting outside of work?
  6. You have two teleportation devices, where would you place them and why?
  7. Wait…Do you remember all of our names and what we talked about?
  8. If you didn’t have to work, why would you come into the office?
  9. Describe the last significant conflict you had at work and how you handled it>
  10. Is there something I should have asked and did not ask you?

Watch the video to find out why they are great and what answers you would like to hear.

How to Hold Mindful Conversations – Part 3

In two prior posts, here and here, we discussed ways to structure conversations, even everyday ad hoc conversations, to achieve your objectives. Every conversation is an opportunity to build relationships, to coordinate activities, to plan for the future, to sell your ideas, to get ideas, or to recap the past.

Today, we will discuss a method designed to start a conversation with nearly everyone, even strangers. It’s called the OSA method and it’s ripped from Marni Kinrys’ Wing Girl site. Continue reading How to Hold Mindful Conversations – Part 3

Understanding the 5 Types of Difficult People

“Be slow to attribute to malice or guile, that which can be explained by ignorance, incompetence, or muddling through.”
My modification of  from Heinlein’s Razor, stolen from Napoleon

Homeowner associations are unique among nonprofits.

In a homeowner association, everyone looks out for themselves.  And they don’t hesitate to break the rules and complain about others breaking the rules.

Rule-breakers and complainers are difficult people, falling into one of five categories. Continue reading Understanding the 5 Types of Difficult People

How to Hold Mindful Conversations – Part 2

In our last post, we discussed three ways to structure conversations, even everyday ad hoc conversations, to achieve your objectives. Every conversation is an opportunity to build relationships, to coordinate activities, to plan for the future, to sell your ideas, to get ideas, or to recap the past.

Today, we add another structured conversation, with a specific focus strategic planning

Continue reading How to Hold Mindful Conversations – Part 2

How to Hold Mindful Conversations – Part 1

Mindfulness is an important buzzword these days. Basically, Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

We each hold dozens of conversations, mostly mindless conversations, every day. These are wasted opportunities to build relationships or coordinate activities or to plan for the future or recap the past. It is possible to focus a conversation so that it has a meaningful result by using some simple techniques. It is possible to plan your conversations. And after a smidgeon of practice, you can apply these techniques with little or no effort. Continue reading How to Hold Mindful Conversations – Part 1