Great Interview Questions

Vanessa Van Edwards has a great post on 10 behavioral interview questions.

They are:

  1. What is something you used to believe, but no longer believe?
  2. Who were the competitors at the last company you worked for and how did the company differentiate itself?
  3. Tell me about your best and worst days at work?
  4. If I called your current boss, what would they say about you?
  5.  Are you working on anything exciting outside of work?
  6. You have two teleportation devices, where would you place them and why?
  7. Wait…Do you remember all of our names and what we talked about?
  8. If you didn’t have to work, why would you come into the office?
  9. Describe the last significant conflict you had at work and how you handled it>
  10. Is there something I should have asked and did not ask you?

Watch the video to find out why they are great and what answers you would like to hear.