
My Axioms

An axiom is a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. In any case, these are my axioms.  I accept them as true because I have observed them to be true.

Be slow to attribute to malice or guile that which can be explained by ignorance, incompetence, or muddling through. – My modification of Heinlein’s Razor, stolen from Napoleon

Explanation: Don’t be in a hurry to impute bad motives on the part of others when things go wrong. Separate the facts from the stories. Reread the posts on Crucial Conversations and Difficult Conversations.

It’s not flying unless you are upside down at least once in the flight. – Me

Explanation: Live a little. Take a risk. Push the envelope. Yes, it’s dangerous. Yes, it might even kill you. But, it will give you stories to tell your grandkids and who wants to die boring.

Nonprofits that just do what everyone else is doing are soon forgotten.

If you can’t fix it, feature it. – Gnarly old Collins Program Manager, probably Jim Lockwood.

Explanation: There will always be problems that you cannot fix or would cost too much money, time, or effort to fix. They are almost always a blessing in disguise. Yes, this implies that you put some spin on it, but with thought, you will find the blessing.

Eighty percent of success is showing up.
– Woody Allen

Explanation: Those who don’t show up don’t participate. Most won’t. If you show up with an agenda, you will probably be the only one and can set the agenda and frame the issues. If you show up with a solution, you will definitely be the only one and you will determine the solution. Just be there.

Alternative Explanation: Showing up means being present. You cannot be present if your mind is wandering in the past or dreaming about the future. Be in the now.

Maintain control, analyze the situation, take the proper action. – Air Force basic flight manual


I never saw an emergency that was improved by screaming.
– an Emergency Room doctor

Explanation: Slow down when emergencies happen. You cannot get yourself out of it if you are frozen in panic and screaming.

Air Force instructor pilots tell you to keep flying the airplane in emergencies. Do not panic. Wind the clock before shutting down an engine in flight. They also say, “It’s okay to scream ‘Mayday’, but don’t push the microphone button. Then slowly push the button and transmit the emergency two octaves lower.”