Three Case Studies – Delegating to Teams

We introduced the concept of Completed Staff Work in a prior post. Wikipedia Completed Staff Work defines as:

…a principle of management which states that subordinates are responsible for submitting written recommendations to superiors in such a manner that the superior need do nothing further in the process than review the submitted document and indicate approval or disapproval.

Not only do they need to know what you want, but they must also know what you do not want; what will cause the recommendation to be rejected.

Case #1 Delegating to an Existing Team

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Asking Questions – A Fundamental Leadership Skill

A common view of leadership involves an omniscient guru sitting at the top of a mountain, dispensing answers to the questions brought by admiring supplicants.

However, many leaders view their function to be asking questions instead of dispensing answers. Continue reading Asking Questions – A Fundamental Leadership Skill

John Boyd's OODA Loop

A Real-life OODA Loop Example

OODA loops are an aspect of decision-making that is brain-dead simple but has wide-spread daily implications.

OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. It’s called a loop because it is a recurring cycle.

The OODA loop was created by Col. John Boyd to describe the necessity for fighter pilots to execute the loop faster than the enemy. The slower one always dies.

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